District heating company expands
their existing biomass based production - Sdr Felding

The case

The district heating company in Sdr. Felding has expanded their existing biomass based production facilities with a large
heat pump, a huge buffertank and a 10MW electrical boiler. This visionary instal-lation really shows the future of district
heating, which will be smokefree and serve as an important player in balancing the electrical grid. It will absorb large amounts of green electricity when it is available and utilize the stored energy from the tank when the electricity supply is lower than the demand.

The heat pump

Fenagy has supplied 2 x H1800 air to water heatpumps including 12 flatbed evaporators and the in-stallation is carried out
by Krebs A/S. The heatpumps are equipped with the newest Fenagy ejector technology (FenEject), optimized evaporators and controlled by the Fenagy PLC with algorithms for capacity control, evaporator control, and defrost. The control system is able to start and stop the ma-chines so fast that they are suitable and relevant for the rules of the regulating market game.

Accumulation tank, energy collectors (evaporator) and machine house with a Fenagy heat pump inside. Sonder Felding heat plant, Denmark.
Two Fenagy heat pump racks in a machine room.

YEAR: 2022

MODEL: 2 x H1800-AW

APPLICARTION: Air-to-Water heat pump

CAPACITY (HEAT): 3.5 MW (0° C Ambient, 35/70° C hot water)

COP: 2,96