Terms and conditions for webinars

By participating in a webinar organised by Fenagy, I consent to Fenagy A/S collecting, storing and processing the following personal data: my name, my email address, my job title, my industry, my company name and my country.

I understand that my information will be stored at Fenagy’s facility and that Fenagy's sales team will have access to it. I further confirm that my information will not be disclosed to third parties.  

I accept that the webinar will be recorded and sent to all participants afterwards. I further accept that my information will be used for the following purposes: 

  • To receive a recording of the webinar.

  • Possibly to be contacted by Fenagy's sales team.

  • Possibly to receive an invitation to future webinars in my inbox.  

I understand that my data will be deleted after 12 months from the date of this webinar, at the latest.  

By clicking below, or participating in the webinar, I confirm that I have read and understood the above and that I consent to the processing of my personal data as described.

Energy collectors (evaporators) covered in snow and sunlight.