H-RANGE - heat pumps
The Fenagy H-range heat pumps reach capacities from 500 kW to 3,000 kW heat per rack. All the heat pumps are designed to deliver optimal performance in accordance with customer-specific operation needs. The entire range is available as both water-sourced and air-sourced heat pumps.
The H-range uses the natural refrigerant CO₂, which is ideal for applications with heat-sink return temperatures below 45°C and supply temperatures up to 85°C. The heat pumps are typically used for applications such as district heating or heating of larger buildings, but they are also suitable for industrial processes, the food industry, green houses, data centres, logistics centres, offices, hospitals and HVAC in general.
District heating · Heat networks
Industrial processes · Food industry
Green houses · Data centres
Logistics centres · HVAC in general
Offices and hospitals
Easy installation with enclosure
All the heat pumps in the H-range can be delivered in an industrial walk-in enclosure, which is a fully approved machine room with lighting, ventilation, CO₂ alarm and sound dampening panels. The enclosure is available in any colour and with extra space for installation of an electrical supply panel, pumps, valves on the water circuit, etc.
Enclosures are usually delivered with a self-supporting concrete foundation, so only a levelled sand pad is needed on site for the installation.
Control systems
The complete range uses a standard Siemens PLC controller, and Fenagy has developed its own PLC algorithms for the most essential functions to ensure optimal control and monitoring. Our PLC solutions can communicate with most of the platforms the customer will need to communicate with. The onboard HMI panel offers direct monitoring of the system and its operating conditions. Furthermore, our PLC solutions support several communication protocols and can integrate with the overall SCADA system.
For an air-sourced heat pump, it is essential to have an efficient and robust defrost system that can secure heat production, regardless of weather conditions. Furthermore, unique features have been developed enabling the heat pump to restart automatically after an emergency stop and even after heavy snowfall.
For all systems, Fenagy aspires to minimise start-up and shutdown times, enabling the system to help balance the electrical grid in a future with an increasing demand for such functions. Last, but not least, the system can deliver high supply temperatures, and Fenagy is continuously pushing the boundaries with new functions and features in the PLC development.
Technical specifications &
key features
Patented ejector technology for optimisation of capacity and COP
Fast start and stop for balancing the electrical grid
Efficient and robust defrosting of air-sourced heat pumps
Internal heat exchangers and receiver, designed for heat pump operation
Industrial design with stainless steel piping
Available as water-to-water and air-to-water
Water pump, energy meter and various valves can be integrated on the rack
PLC control of the entire heat pump, including optimised air-source evaporators
We only use natural refrigerants
R744 - CO₂
APPLICATIONS: District heating, heat networks, industrial processes, food industry, green houses, data centres, logistics centres, offices, hospitals and HVAC in general
Natural refrigerant with a wide temperature range
Non-toxic and non-flammable
Excellent choice for air-sourced heat pumps for direct use in the energy collectors and with high delta T on the heat sink side
Optimal for medium-temperature water-sourced heat pumps, chillers and combined heating and cooling applications
Medium-high temperature level on heat sink (up to 85°C supply temp) with high delta T on the heat sink (dT: 30-40K)
R600a - Isobutane
APPLICATIONS: Heat networks, Biogas, PtX, geothermal, carbon capture, CO₂ heat pump sub-cooler, industrial processes and food industry
High-temperature natural refrigerant
Suitable for water-sourced heat pumps and chillers
Can be used in a wide temperature range on both the heat source and heat sink sides
Robust operation under various operating conditions
Use of efficient screw compressors and high COP of the cycle
High temperature level on heat source (up to 40°C evap. temp)
High temperature level on heat sink (up to 95°C supply temp) and ideal with low delta T on heat sink - serial coupling on water side at higher delta T
R290 - Propane
APPLICATIONS: Heat networks, industrial processes, food industry, data centres, offices, hospitals and HVAC in general
Low-temperature natural refrigerant
Suitable for lower temperature water-sourced heat pumps and chillers
Low temperature level on heat source (down to -30 °C evap. temp)
Medium temperature level on heat sink (up to 75 °C supply temp)
Ideal with low delta T on sink and heat source
High refrigeration capacity ensures compact solutions with small footprint
Can be combined with isobutane in serial hydraulic couplings

The most visionary CO₂ heat
pump systems in the world