Heat Pumps
- innovative solutions from Fenagy

Browse our selection
of heat pumps

Green icon, which says Natural Refrigerants Only


Green icon, which says Natural Refrigerants Only


State-of-the-art heat pumps for industrial use

Water to water - Copenhagen district heating

Air to water - Vildbjerg heating plant · Denmark

Why choose a heat pump from Fenagy?

Some of the advantages offered from choosing Fenagy heat pumps are:

  • They are suitable for both indoor and outdoor installation

  • We only use natural refrigerants

  • Their capacity ranges from 500kW to 6000kW

  • They can be delivered with an industrial walk-in enclosure

  • The pumps include a state-of-the-art Siemens PLC control system


Data centres

Logistics centres

HVAC in general



Data centres

Logistics centres

HVAC in general



Heat pumps for all industries

We have extensive experience working with large-scale businesses and organizations across a multitude of industries. Our heating experts are acutely aware that demands for heat pumps vary greatly across different industries.

Thus, we work in close collaboration with you and your team to determine your exact specifications. Our heat pumps are always tailored to client specific needs and requirements. Our specialists know exactly how to customize our pumps for individual circumstances, and we will assist you throughout each stage of the process.

Let us help you with a tailored heat pump solution

If you have any questions or want to know what specific heat pump setup is ideal for your specific circumstances, we are always happy to assist. Feel free to contact us for a chat about your needs and
how we can help accommodate them.

Modern & visionary CO2 heat pumps

Our H-range heat pumps solely use CO2 as a refrigerant, which is a natural refrigerant that does not pollute the environment. This makes them the ideal choice for companies looking to elevate their ESG-efforts and implement more environmentally friendly solutions across their business functions.

Furthermore, they are ideal for applications with heat-sink return temperatures below 45°C and supply temperatures up to 85°C. Our pumps are a popular choice for district heating or heating of larger buildings. But likewise, they are also suitable for a variety of industrial processes, green houses, data centres, logistic hubs, offices, the food industry, hospitals and general HVAC applications.

Technical specifications for our heat pumps

Combined heating & cooling solution with heat pumps and chillers

At Fenagy we continuously strive for excellence in optimizing the usage of all available resources through innovative solutions. That is exactly why we developed a combined heating and cooling solution in order to obtain benefits from both sources. This is particularly useful in certain industries. For example, in data centres, the surplus heat generated from cooling the server rooms can be supplied to district heating networks in cities or used to heat large adjacent buildings such as greenhouses if the installation is adjusted to accommodate such a setup.

This is just one example, and similar scenarios apply across industrial processes where you are transferring or generating heat from cooling. Thus, if you are looking for a way to leverage existing resources even more than you are currently, our combined solution might be just what you are looking for.

Industrial heat pump systems with natural refrigerants

Green icon, which says Natural Refrigerants Only
  • APPLICATIONS: District heating, heat networks, industrial processes, food industry, green houses, data centres, logistics centres, offices, hospitals and HVAC in general

    • Natural refrigerant with a wide temperature range

    • Non-toxic and non-flammable

    • Excellent choice for air-sourced heat pumps for direct use in the energy collectors and with high delta T on the heat sink side

    • Optimal for medium-temperature water-sourced heat pumps, chillers and combined heating and cooling applications

    • Medium-high temperature level on heat sink (up to 85°C supply temp) with high delta T on the heat sink (dT: 30-40K)

  • APPLICATIONS: Heat networks, biogas, PtX, geothermal, carbon capture, CO₂ heat pump sub-cooler, industrial processes and food industry  

    • High-temperature natural refrigerant

    • Suitable for water-sourced heat pumps and chillers

    • Can be used in a wide temperature range on both the heat source and heat sink sides

    • Robust operation under various operating conditions

    • Use of efficient screw compressors and high COP of the cycle

    • High temperature level on heat source (up to 40°C evap. temp)

    • High temperature level on heat sink (up to 95°C supply temp) and ideal with low delta T on heat sink - serial coupling on water side at higher delta T 

  • APPLICATIONS: Heat networks, industrial processes, food industry, data centres, offices, hospitals and HVAC in general

    • Low-temperature natural refrigerant

    • Suitable for lower temperature water-sourced heat pumps and chillers

    • Low temperature level on heat source (down to -30 °C evap. temp)

    • Medium temperature level on heat sink (up to 75 °C supply temp)

    • Ideal with low delta T on sink and heat source

    • High refrigeration capacity ensures compact solutions with small footprint

    • Can be combined with isobutane in serial hydraulic couplings

Did we pique your interest?

If you have any unanswered questions, we are always available to help you gain a clearer picture of your options and possibilities.